Eating phosphorus rich foods is a great way to improve bone and dental health while improving important metabolic functions.

Phosphorus is a mineral found in many foods such as beer, cheese, beans and fish. It is also one of the most common substances in your daily environment and your body. It plays an important role in the health of your kidneys, bones, muscles, blood vessels, and all the cells of your body.

Phosphorus is a chemical element that is considered a mineral when it comes to nutrition. Inorganic phosphorus is an important part of all known organic life because it plays an important role in the production of RNA and DNA, but this is not the end of the benefits of phosphorus. Eating foods rich in phosphorus is also important for the body’s normal growth patterns and has been an essential nutrient since birth. For adults, it is a standard recommendation to take at least 580 mg of phosphorus per day to avoid phosphorus deficiency.

These deficiencies are less common because phosphorus is found in very commonly eaten foods, but if you are on a low-protein diet, your phosphorus levels may also be low.

Phosphorus Rich Foods

What Are Best Phosphorus Rich Foods

The best phosphorus rich foods include cheese, seafood, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pork, beef, salmon, brazil nuts, pork, low-fat dairy products, and lens beans.


One cup of most types of beans contains 200-220 mg of phosphorus, which is more than 33% of the daily requirement.

Squash Seeds

100 grams of these seeds provide about 200% of this mineral.


5 ounce salmon provides about 400 mg of this important nutrient in your daily diet.


One large egg contains 100 mg of phosphorus.

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Pumpkin Seeds

One cup of pumpkin seeds contains more than 150% of the daily phosphorus intake.

Low Fat Dairy

For example, a cup of yogurt provides just under 40% of the phosphorus your body needs.


One serving of cheese can consume more than 30% of your daily needs.

Sunflower Seeds

Eating 100 grams of these seeds increases your daily phosphorus intake by more than 120%.


Only 3 ounces of grass-fed beef provides about 175 mg of phosphorus, which is less than 30% of the daily intake.

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Soy-based Foods

3 ounces of tofu provides about a quarter of the phosphorus you need.


100 grams of pork contains more than 240 mg of phosphorus, which is more than 40% of the daily requirement.

Brazil Nuts

Putting a snake in a cup of these nuts is equivalent to a daily phosphorus intake.

What Does Phosphorus Do to the Human Body?

What is phosphorus? Phosphorus is a mineral contained in bones. Phosphorus, along with calcium, is needed to build strong, healthy bones and keep other parts of the body healthy.

How Do You Get Phosphorus?

What are the foods that contain phosphorus? Phosphorus is abundant in protein foods such as milk, dairy products and meat, and in alternatives such as beans, lentils and nuts. Grains, especially whole grains, provide phosphorus. Phosphorus is found in small amounts in vegetables and fruits.

How Much Phosphorus Do You Need a Day?

A healthy kidney removes excess amounts that the body does not need. It is recommended that healthy adults take 800 mg to 1200 mg of phosphorus per day. A balanced and nutritious diet provides a lot of phosphorus because it is naturally found in many foods.

What is Phosphorus Used For?

The main function of phosphorus is the formation of bones and teeth. It plays an important role in the way the body uses carbohydrates and fats. The body also needs to make proteins for the growth, maintenance, and repair of cells and tissues.