It contains 8 times more vitamin C than oranges, 2 times more than acai berries, and about 17 times more vitamin C than pomegranates. The humble Indian gooseberry, commonly known as amla, truly deserves superfood status. Here are the amazing Amla Juice Benefits For Health.

The translucent fruit, named after the Sanskrit word ‘Amlaki’, meaning “nectar of life”, can protect us from many ailments, such as colds, cancer or infertility. Ayurvedic practitioners claim that amla can help balance the body’s three doshas (Kappa / Vista / Pita) and eliminate the root cause of many illnesses.

Can I drink amla juice daily?

Drinking amla juice daily also promotes hair growth. In addition to eliminating dandruff, regular consumption also promotes immunity, strengthens hair follicles, and adds volume to your hair.

Is it good to drink amla juice?

It is a good source of nutrients that can improve your overall health. Amla contains a lot of vitamin C, which promotes immunity. It is also good for the skin and the hair. These fruits control blood sugar, promote eye health, improve digestion, and help with weight loss.

What are the side effects of amla juice?

For some people with allergies, taking Amla products may increase the risk of bleeding. For people with diabetes, taking Amla can lower blood sugar levels, so you should be careful if necessary. Doses of Amla juice can cause dry skin.

What happens if we drink amla daily?

Eating amla regularly will not only help you achieve healthy, glowing skin, but also improve vision, boost your immune system, and control your blood sugar. Eat like muraba, pickles or candy. But eat it every day.

Does Amla juice reduce weight?

The essential vitamin C content helps support your immune system and keep your skin healthy. Rich in antioxidants, amla has beneficial effects on the fight against free radicals in the body. … Amla juice is known as one of the best Indian juices to drink for accelerating fat burning anad weight loss.

When should we drink Amla juice?

It is best to drink amla juice in the morning. Dilute in a glass of water and take in small portions (20-30 ml). You can choose to mix it with a little lemon juice and honey to improve palatability.

amla juice benefits

Amla Nutritional Value

For adults, the recommended daily dose of amla is 75 to 90 mg per day.

Fat 0.1%

Carbohydrates 13.7 g

Calcium 50 %

Iron 1.2 mg

Thiamine 0.03mg

Riboflavin 0.01mg

Nicene 0.2mg

Vitamin 600mg

Energy 58 kilo calories

Fiber 3.4%

Proteins 0.5%

Calcium 50 %

Iron 1.2 mg

Carotene 9 microgram

If you are still not sure, read the long list of health benefits of amla and you will see why you should consume amla juice on a daily basis.

Also Read: 9 Incredible Benefits Of Amla Oil

Health Benefits of Amla Juice

Here are some amazing health benefits of amla juice:

Amla Boost Immunity

Amla’s antibacterial and astringent properties promote immunity. Many health problems, including leukemia, are caused by oxidative damage which causes damage to products called free radicals when the body’s brain uses oxygen. Because amla is a powerful antioxidant, it helps prevent oxidation and protects cells.

Helps in Weight Loss

This is the least mentioned but the most interesting benefit of amla. Amla protein helps fight cravings. Amla is also low in carbohydrates and fat.

One serving (150g) of amla contains 66 calories, 1g of protein, less than 1g of fat, and 15g of carbohydrate. Consumers say that drinking a glass of amla juice before a meal upsets their stomachs and makes them eat less.

Nutritionists say amla boosts your metabolism so you can lose weight faster. Amla is high in fiber and contains acids such as tannic to reduce constipation.

Helps with Common Cold

Vitamin C in amla is more easily absorbed by the body than over-the-counter medicines.

Mix 2 teaspoons of amla powder and 2 teaspoons of honey and take 3-4 times per day for quick recovery from a cold or cough and take once per day for permanent protection.

Amla Beautifies Hair

Amla, like curry leaves, is a proven hair tonic. Rich in essential fatty acids, it penetrates deep into hair follicles to slow discoloration, prevent dandruff and strengthen hair follicles.

These tangy fruits contain iron and carotene, which promote hair growth. Amla also follows the cold, giving a soft and radiant glow. You can apply amla oil or mix amla powder with henna to make hair.

Manage Chronic Conditions

Amla contains chromium, which helps lower bad cholesterol and helps lower blood sugar in diabetics by making insulin. Drinking amla in the morning or when high blood pressure can help control high blood pressure.

Improves Skin Health

Amla is one of the best anti-aging fruit. Vitamin C and antioxidants in amla reduce fine lines and wrinkles and leave skin glowing. Drinking Amla with honey every morning will help you have healthy, glowing, blemish-free skin.

Improves Eyesight

Studies show that the carotene in amla improves eyesight. Eating amla daily has been linked to improving overall eyesight, as it can reduce cataract problems, eye strain, and prevent redness, itchiness, and watery eyes. Indian gooseberries are also rich in vitamin A, which reduces the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

Also Read: Amazing Health Benefits of Egg White

How to use amla?

Drinking fresh amla juice is the best way to experience the benefits of this fruit. Amla is easily available from December to April. But if you can’t stand the bitterness, try the following options.

Pickled: Soak the amla in soda for spicy amla achar or murabba sugar.

Dried: Remove the amla seeds and cut them into small pieces. Mix with a little salt and let dry in the sun for several days. Once dehydrated, store it in a dry bottle for an ideal snack.

Is Patanjali Amla juice safe?

As a result, its amla juice does not fall under the category of standards developed by the National Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). … Our Amla juice is medicinal and safe, ”said Patanjali Ayurved, spokesperson for Patanjali Ayurved.

How much amla should be consumed in a day?

For adults, the recommended daily dose of amla is 75 to 90 mg per day. If you are still not sure, read Amrath’s long list of health benefits and you will see why you need to follow this every day.