Xenical Capsule

 1,100.00 Original price was: ₹ 1,100.00. 950.00Current price is: ₹ 950.00.




Xenical Capsule





How does Xenical Capsule work?

This capsule is a medicine that helps obese people lose weight. Normally, fat from your diet is broken down by enzymes in your stomach and intestines and absorbed into your body to be stored. However, Xenical capsule stops these enzymes from working – this means 30 to 40 percent less dietary fat will be taken up by your body. Instead, the unabsorbed fat will pass directly through your digestive system.

How effective is Xenical Capsule?

In clinical trial data, the average weight loss was 50 percent extra with this Capsule in comparison  to placebo with diet. This means that if you could lose 6 kg with diet alone, you could lose 9 kg with.  Furthermore, it was shown that those taking Xenical maintained weight loss better than in the placebo group.  For maximum effectiveness of Xenical , one capsule is taken with each main meal (a maximum of three capsules a day)  before, during, or up to one hour after each meal. If you miss a meal or the meal does not contain any fat, you do not need to take the capsule.

How do I take It’s dosage?

Orlistat is available in two types: Xenical and Alli. Xenical is the prescription dose (120mg) of Orlisat, while Alli contains half the amount (60mg) and is available to buy over-the-counter. Both treatments target and remove fat in exactly the same way.

Take one capsule within an hour of eating each of your three main meals. One at breakfast, one at lunch and one at dinner. You should continue taking Orlistat for at least three months in order to see if you’re effective in losing weight. If you’ve failed to lose any weight, most doctors will advise you to stop taking Orlistat. If you’ve been on Orlistat for a year, we advise you to discuss the potential benefits and limitations of continuing to take Orlistat.

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